Friday, May 8, 2009

My first Camp Victory

Do you remember the days of Camp Victory? We could not wait for the day we were finally old enough to acually go to camp (8yrs) and oh the fun we had. Songs, stories, games, activites, feeling so grown up to be off to camp for a week.

I have to laugh. My first camp was on the Bolosse campus so I was only about 1,000 or so feet from my house but I felt so grown up! I cannot tell you my counsolor's name but I remember her, a funny and happy woman. She made us laugh all through camp.

I remember all the campers got split up into color teams. My team did a skit that year about a bus ride or something and we lined up on stage and each had a speaking part and mine was to say some line about sweet peas and shrug my shoulders. Ah the memories . . .

1 comment:

  1. camp victory was the best!

    Hodges Island (off Cap Hatian) where we hunted for pirate treasure (he is listed in National Geographic articles)Going to the Citadel

    then too Aux Cayes and the waterfall swimming hole
